Technology Centre “INTECHCENTRAS” was established in 2007 by Lithuanian Engineering Industry Association “LINPRA“ with the goal of increasing the competitiveness of industrial companies. “Intechcentras” is a SMART Manufacturing competence centre, which operates with such activities: Technological-engineering trainings and its’ projects preparation and management; Provision of engineering and management consultations; Organization of experience exchange forums; Solutions for production efficiency and productivity increase application; Organizing activities regarding the 4th Industrial Revolution “Industry 4.0“; Creation of training programs (shop floor workers and engineers) and piloting. “INTECHCENTRAS“ is a member of Lithuanian Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster, and coordinator of the Mechatronics Cluster. “INTECHCENTRAS“ is a coordinator of Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub. This HUB was established in 2012 and is already providing advisory and training services in the implementation of modern digital technologies in traditional Lithuanian industries. This is especially true for the sectors of digital manufacturing, smart technologies, digital photonics, the big data, industrial Internet, and robotics. This Hub is already recognized as a link of chain of digital innovation hubs being established throughout Europe. “INTECHCENTRAS“ services efficiently support the activities of engineering companies, encourage, provide and maintain needed support for the development of the new products. Furthermore, the Centre is providing advisory and informational services in engineering and technical fields to all Lithuanian engineering companies, which are united by association LINPRA. Professional experts from “Intechcentras” are engaged in all of these activities, and they are predominantly contracted on as needed basis using the network resources. Thus “INTECHCENTRAS” ensures that professional practitioners who meet the high standards of manufacturing industry expectations can be attracted to provide the services.
Main Tasks in MAS4AI
Organization main tasks in the project will be focused to:
- Ltd “Baltik Vairas” use case support (requirements and testing / validation)
- Dissemination through various international and national communication channels:
- Lithuanian engineering industries association LINPRA network;
- Association ORGALIME network;
- Baltic Automotive Components Cluster BACC network;
- Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK network;
- EIT Manufacturing network and opportunities for continuity.
- Organize a 2-day workshop to present project technology and LtD “Baltik Vairas” case